Thursday, September 24, 2009

Writting 2

Carlos Baires
Writing Two

George Lopez

George Lopez is a Chicano (Mexican-American) born in Mission Hills, Los Angeles, California. He was abandoned by his mother at the age of 10 and by his father as an infant. He was raised by his maternal Grandmother, Benita Gay Gutierrez, a factory worker, and his step-grandfather Refugio Gutierrez, a construction worker. In 1993 George married Ann Serrano and they had a son, Max Lopez. Even thou George had a hard childhood he is now a great comedian and father, because he makes people laugh all the time and he always takes care of his kids no matter what they go through
George’s career started in 2000. After performing in several stand-up comedy shows, he was approach by actress Sandra Bullock and she proposed to him if he would like to produce and star in a comedy. Sandra proposed the offer to him after seeing the lack of Hispanic-oriented sitcoms on American television that starred Hispanics without being exclusive about the Hispanic community like focusing on Hispanics but showing him as a Hispanic-American living in this country and what he goes thru. After ABC was being criticized by Hispanic-American groups for not having many Hispanics on their television shows they quickly picked up the show in 2002. The show aired from 2002-2007. Even though they are not making anymore shows they are still showing the re-runs on different television channels.
The show is mainly about his life, how he takes care of his family, what the things they go through, especially the hardships of growing up as a Hispanic with dyslexia taking care of 2 kids. It also focuses a lot on jokes he tells about the Hispanic community like when he makes fun of Hispanics eating mostly beans and rice and how they cross the border. The shows also bases about the jokes his family does and what his mother has put him through .The show also teaches life lessons on how to manage a family with different situations. One is putting his daughter to college with many debts and bills to pay while paying the college tuition. Another is dealing with his mother who is always drinking and not caring about anything that happens around her just focusing on her self.
George Lopez has gone thru a lot growing up to being the famous person he is now. In 2004 he was diagnose with a genetic condition which deteriorates his kidneys. Doctors told him that he required a transplant. He postponed the surgery until after finishing the 4th season of his show so not to hurt the 170 people that work on it. After the show ended his wife donated a kidney. The transplant was successful, but he lost a lot of weight due to the transplant. A year after his surgery his son was also diagnosed with the same illness and now he has to go through the same as his father.
George Lopez is a great humanitarian for had he has helped his own community. He also has his own charity called The George & Ann Lopez-Richie Alarcon CARE Foundation which help people in California that have troubles with economy. He has also received the Manny Mota Foundation spirit award and was named Honorary Mayor of Los Angeles for his extensive fundraising efforts benefiting the earthquakes victims in El Salvador and Guatemala. He also received the 2004 artist of the year and humanitarian award by Harvard University for his artistic work and charitable endeavors.
George Lopez is a great person in the community and a famous comedian. He has had many influences in his life that brought him to where he is now. He works very hard to earn all those recognitions and to help anyone that he can. Now George Lopez is about to have his own late night talk show On TBS. He is very happy about that because after being of the television shows for 2 years he is going to be back on and keep helping the community and making everyone laugh like he always do.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Unit Three -- Dark Romanticism and Realism

1. Create a post on your blog titled "Unit Three", and then explain what you believe the below standard means, and then go further by explaining what you think you will need to do to meet this particular standard.

ELAALRL4 The student employs a variety of writing genres to demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of significant ideas in selected literary works. The student composes essays, narratives, poems, or technical documents.

The standard to me means that i show different writing to demonstrate how i have understood and grasped the ideas in differently works of literature that i have done in the class. It is also saying that i have written essays, poems, and etc. of the works of literature that u have gave to me.

2. Which side of the divide do you fall? Are you closer to being a Transcendentalist or a Dark Romantic? Explain your answer with a short paragraph.

well at the moment i am in between i think that because i do think sometimes like the dark romantic and i think we do sin which is true, but we were not made to sin and do it for fun we have to recognize we sin and ask for forgiveness. That makes me a sorta transcendentalist because i also think we come from God and our minds is the strongest thing we have. so i couldn't decide i would have to say I'm in between.

3. Read either "The Black Cat" or "Hop-Frog", both by Edgar Allen Poe. As you read, keep the Dark Romantics' beliefs in mind because you will be asked to point out these beliefs in the story later. You can also choose to listen to "The Masque of Red Death" below; if you do, be sure to read the text as you listen:

4. Write a 2-3 paragraph response to the story you read. You should explain what you thought of the story as well as how well it illustrates how the Dark Romantics disagreed with the Transcendantalists. You need to provide at least a line or two of direct textual evidence from the story you chose to prove your claim.

The story was really good. I read it before so it was easy for me to understand it and break it down. the story was really interesting and it caught my attention because of how Montresor tricked Fortunato into coming with him to the catacombs to drink the really good wine. Montresor is a devious person of how he tricked Fortunato while he was drunk which made the story more engaging and how when he got him to were he wanted him he got his revenge by trapping him to die.

What relates this to the Dark Romanticism is when Montresor is " The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best i could: but when he ventured upon insult, i vowed revenge." to me that shows exactly what Dark romanticism is about and how it shows it in the story. it shows how the Dark Romantics did not like anything good and only thought about evil doings.It also proved that the Dark romantics did not believe in God because of the evil doings they had in mind

5. Once of Poe's most famous works was "The Raven", a poem he wrote while his second wife was literally dying in the next room. Read the poem (more than once), and then write a response (at least two paragraphs) that includes a few lines that stuck out to you. Add another paragraph or two that should explain how this poem represents an anti-Transcendental idea. As always, responses with direct evidence are always better than those that do not.

The poems was really good i like it, even though it was hard to understand at first. after i read it the second time it made a little more sense to me. one of the lines that struck me at first was when he heard knocking at his door, It struck me Because he thought someone when nothing was there when he opened and how whispered her named and it was echoed back which was sort of weird.

The poems really caught me later on also of how the raven flew in his room when he opened the window. It was interesting and striking because of how the raven was messing with his head once he got there. The raven messed with him as he kept asking questing and all the raven said was "nevermore" which was striking because he would not saying nothing else.

The poems represents the Anti-Transcendentalist idea of how they thought everything is not pure and God would not speak to you which shows that e=most stuff are evil and the devil does evil, in the poem It showed that by putting the raven there and making it seem like the raven is talking to the author while in reality its his own conscious."Wretch,' I cried, `thy God hath lent thee - by these angels he has sent thee Respite - respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore!Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe, and forget this lost Lenore!'Quoth the raven, `Nevermore." that part shows of how he asks the raven if he Will forget his love but the raven say never which makes him sad and it a representation of the Anti-Transcendentalist.

6. A symbol is something (usually an object) that stands for a much larger idea. Poe uses symbolism very well in "The Raven". Can you identify it, and then support what you say with some evidence and analysis? I know you can.

The symbol that i think he uses well in the story is "Nevermore" that is a very good symbol to me because it is said through out the whole story and it represents that what ever Edgar ask the raven the raven said that its never gonna happen. "tell me truly, I implore -Is there - is there balm in Gilead? - tell me - tell me, I implore!'Quoth the raven, `Nevermore."
That was one of the questions that he asked and the raven replied "nevermore".The word represents something much bigger it represents sadness, depression, and lost of hopeness.

7. Check these out. If you are doing what you should, you are addressing all three (and even more) in this unit. Using your word as DIRECT evidence (cut and paste from your own post) tell me how you are meeting these standards.

ELAALRL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e., poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation.
I demonstrate comprehension by providing evidence when I did assignment 6 to show the symbol of a word so I had to provide evidence of it from the poem and I also had to provide a quote. It also shows that i understand the work I'm doing by the evidence i provide.

ELAALRL2 The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of theme in a work of American literature and provides evidence from the work to support understanding.

For this standard i identified.analyze, and apply knowledge of the theme when i did assignment 5 "The raven" in the story i had to show what i recognize about the story and identify what parts of the story struck on me which i did by providing the quotes.

ELAALRL3 The student deepens understanding of literary works by relating them to their contemporary context or historical background, as well as to works from other time periods.

For this standard I deepened the understanding of the literary work when I compared "The Raven" to the Anti-Transcendentalist by saying how they were alike.

8. Read "A Story of an Hour"
by Kate Chopin. You should be able to identify the following in this story:

a. details that specifically explain a characters actions, or detailed descriptions of a setting

The story is about Mrs. Mallard and how she felt when her husband died. At first her sister Josephine broke the new to her easily because she had a heart disease and she could die. After hearing the news Mrs. mallard when to her room she felt happy at first in a weird way to enjoy the death of someone she said she felt free. Moments later she started to fell bad because she felt happy about the death of her husband, a little after he sister convinced her to come down stairs and there she saw Mr. Mallard when she saw him she died.

b. a social issue that Chopin wants to solve

"What could Love,the unsolved mystery,count for in face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being!"

Like she is trying to solve the conflict that Mrs. Mallard had in her of being happy about the death and at the same time feeling guilty for the happiness she felt.

9. Read "The Battle with Mr Covey" by Frederick Douglass. Follow the same directions for #8. Go further on this one to explain what you think Douglass' purpose was for writing this. Your response should be two paragraphs.

a. details that specifically explain a characters actions, or detailed descriptions of a setting

Well the story is about Frederick Douglass and the fight he mad with Mr. Covey it started when he was working in the fields he felt week and passed out. After Mr. Covey came looking for him because he heard the fans stop. he beat Frederick until he worked. Frederick was beating so bad he went to his master to complain about how bad he was treated and he explaining the seven miles he had to walk. after he was told to return to Mr. Covey in the bad state he was. When he got back Mr. covey treated him good for one day then the nest day he tried to tie him, but ti didn't go as planned and they started fighting in the end Mr. Covey gave up and said to Frederick "If I wouldn't have resisted he would have whipped me half so much." But Frederick knew that he defeated Mr. Covey and earned his respect.

b. a social issue that Chopin wants to solve

The social problem that Frederick wanted to solve was to show how slaves were treated at that time. he did by giving real details and very specific ones of how they were treated by their masters. In one part he showed us of how bad he was beating by Mr. Covey he said that he had busted his head and he was damped in blood from heat to toe. He also said that his shirt was damped and his hair was full of blood and dirt that any one that saw him one feel bad no matter what.

10. Provide a modern example of realism (Boyz in tha Hood, and Menace II Society, for that matter are off-limits). This can be music, a movie, a television show, a book, or whatever you may choose. You need to explain how it is realism, and provide an example from your choice (a lyric, description of a scene, quote, etc.)

A modern example of realism to me is a movie called " Talento De Barrio." The movie is based of Daddy Yankee and how it was for him growing up in Puerto Rico(PR). It showed how people from El Caserio(The Hood) lived in PR. He also showed in great details how the life for them is so u wouldn't have to imagine it look at it in a realistic way like realism is. In one scene he showed how bad it was by Showing a shoot-out in the middle of the neighborhood and how a group was trying to kill another group of people and during the Shoot-out a straight bullet took the life of a child. When the mother saw the shield soaked in blood she burst into tears. that was just one of the scenes showing the peoples way of leaving in the movie.

11. The fun part - - -

a. Decide what you like best, Dark Romanticism or Realism.

I like realism best. I like it because it its based of reality and how life is lived in the real world not on a made up world like the romantics.

b. Create a short piece ( a poem or very short story) of whichever you choose.

Juan is a poor farmer in Mexico he lives in a shed with three kids doesn't get paid much from taking care of his boss lives stock. he gets paid about $5 a day which barely get enough food for his family. One day one of his kids died of a disease he could have saved him but he didn't have enough money to pay the hospital. Since that day he decide to try to give his kids a better lives. He made the choice to leave his family behind and start on a journey to the U.S. were dreams come true. On his way there he starved, had much thirst, and almost died. the worst thing that happened to him was getting shot by immigration officers while running across the border he finally reached the U.S. but when he got there he was so sick and wounded that he didn't live much longer and soon died. all the efforts he put in to give his family a better life when in the end it was too much for him and he failed miserably.

c. Explain (with at least a paragraph or two with direct evidence from your own example) how it is a good representation of Dark Romanticism or Realism. Keep in mind that you are proving how your story fits whichever idea you choose, so discussing the idea itself is necessary.

My story is a good representation of realism because it shows how the main character lives. The story explain in deep detail of how Juan's life is and how little he gets paid to support his family. it shows that he gets paid little when it says "He gets paid $5 a day to take of lives stock which barely gets enough food for his family" it also represents realism when it talks about him crossing the border to reach the U.S. and how he had much thirst.starved, and almost died on his way to try to give his family a better life but in the end he failed and didn't reach his goal.

12. Explain (with DIRECT EVIDENCE FROM YOUR OWN WORK) how you have met (or exceeded) at least two of the standards listed below.

ELAALRL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e., poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation.

I demonstrated this in the 3rd part of assignment 11 when i had to explain how realism is based of the story i wrote which i demonstrated direct evidence by writing quotes from the story.

ELAALRL4 The student employs a variety of writing genres to demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of significant ideas in selected literary works. The student composes essays, narratives, poems, or technical documents.

For this standard i met the requirements by writing my own story in assignment 11 and demonstrating a story based of realism. i also did it for assignment 10 which i also had to write another example of realism which as the standard says i have to demonstrate a comprehensive grasp by doing different types of writing.