Thursday, October 1, 2009

Unit Four -- Modernism

1. Create a new post on your blog called "Unit Four", and then explain which of the standards you have had the most difficulty mastering. Make specific references to the work you have done in this class in your response.

ELAALRL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e., poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation.

Standard ELAALRL1 is the one I had the most difficulty mastering. I had problems with it because it is hard for me to understand what is asking and since I have to write something about it in mostly every unit it comes worst because i still didn't understand it. but now i understand it better since its been explaining to me so many times that i finally got the meaning of it and what it was asking me. like for assignment 12 in unit 3 asked em to show which standard i had used in the work i did so i choose that one even thou i had problems with it but it was what was most closely related to my work.

2. Choose one of the Modernism themes named above that you are most interested in studying: Disillusionment, the Harlem Renaissance, The Jazz Age, or Phychoanalysis. Write a paragraph that describes why you made this choice and how you expect to see the topic you chose represented in the literature you are about to read.

I am more interested in Disillusionment because it seems more realistic to me. It has that because in it u get away from like dreams and other things that have no logical basis. To me this seems to be closely related to realism which is a theme I liked in the last section. I expect the theme to be shown alot since it seems like a very good theme and like it relates to what most people go through nowadays.

3. Read the story that coresponds to the theme you chose. Chose a topic according to your interests, not the length of the story. Choosing a story because of its length is not the wisest way to approach this assignment.

Disillusionment -- Soldier's Home by Earnest Hemmingway

When you are through reading, you should type a two-paragraph response to the story you read, and then provide another two paragraphs in which you analyze the theme you chose and how it is represented in the story. Take time to explain how the author features the theme you chose, and go deeper and explain what you believe he or she is saying about America. This will require you to provide examples straight from the texts as well as some synthesis on your part (drawing your own conclusions).

Well the story i read was about a guy named Harold Krebs. It talked about he had just bot back from the war in 1919, but when he got back he wasn't recognize as a hero as the other soldiers were that came before him. Supposedly the people had said that he came too late for him to get recognition that all that was over. He had came back years later when the people forgot about the war. So for him to gain a little recognition and to get people to ask him about the war he had to lie. he lied for a while but soon he didn't want to lie for people to talk to him so he decided to stop but it was difficult.

Then after that he had a conflict inside of him he wanted to get a girl but he didn't want to work for it. He said" i don't want to do all the talking just want ti to be easy." so he just wanted the girls to come to him and didn't want to work for it. He also talked how the girls were so different from Germany and France. He said how he was attracted more to the girls in the U.S. then in those countries. After he had a conflict with his parents they wanted him to settle down like all the other guys his age but he didn't want to he said he had no love and could not love anything.

He refers to Disillusionment in the story when he talks about how all soldiers returning from war get praise. For him it was different by the time he return all the other soldiers already been back and they already had their celebration while eh didn't get any of that. so the believe that everyone shows how all soldiers get that didn't happened to him which is like disillusionment something he believe which didn't happened the way he thought.

He really didn't like the U.S. at all. He preferred to stay in Germany then come home because he didn't get the appraisal that he wanted and thought of. he says that in the story"On the whole he had liked Germany better.He did not want to come home.Still, he had come home." He thought that also because in Germany he could get any girl they were easy to get and in the U.S. he had to work to get them which he didn't feel like doing which made him to dislike coming home.

4. Read the following poems. When you study poetry, it is a good habit to read each selection MORE THAN ONCE.

Richard Corey by Edwin Arlington Robinson
Mending Wall by Robert Frost
A Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes
The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes
Incident by Countee Cullen

Write a paragraph response to each poem in which you explain your opinions about what is being written as well as identify one of the elements of Modernism in each. These paragraphs must contain direct evidence from the poetry to support whatever claims you make. Please be thorough enough in this section so not to have to go back and make adjustments after I read your work.

Richard Corey by Edwin Arlington Robinson

This poem focuses on disillusionment. To me they are getting this rich person confused that he has everything they want but then they are wrong because he kills himself. It shows that in
"In fine, we thought that he was everything. To make us wish that we were in his place."

Mending Wall by Robert Frost

The poem was very good. At first it was hard for me to understand it because it was hard but afterwards i got ti and understood its meaning. The poem is about Disillusionment becasue the author thinks his negibor is disillusion abotu hes thoughts on the wall and wat it does for them. He refers to that in "He only says, “Good fences make good neighbours.” Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder If I could put a notion in his head: “Why do they make good neighbours? "

A Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes

This poem refers to disillusionment because it is talking about dreams. it said how dreams are put away for later. He ask what happens to those put aways dreams do they dry up, stink, or just sag. He said that in "Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? "

The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes

This poem is based more on The Harlem Renaissance. It is off that because he basis of how his people have been here for the longest. Also that the Africans were the first to be around and that most people don't recognize that. He talks about it in "I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins."

Incident by Countee Cullen

This poem is mostly about disillusiment.It talks about how when he was young he visited Baltimore and was treated wrong which wasn't what he expected. he was treaty in "I saw the whole of Baltimore. From May until December;Of all the things that happened there. That's all that I remember. a way unexpected and from his whole trip there that's all he could remember. He said it in "

5. Review your response to number 1 in this unit. Then explain how you have addressed the Georgia Performance Standard you said was a challenge for you. You should support this claim with evidence from your own work.

I had trouble with the First standard because it was hard for me to find and show evidence for the work i did but on assignment four i provided the evidence for each one of the poems. and at the bottom is and example of how i show evidence from one of the poems.
"This poem focuses on disillusionment. To me they are getting this rich person confused that he has everything they want but then they are wrong because he kills himself. It shows that in
"In fine, we thought that he was everything. To make us wish that we were in his place."