Monday, August 31, 2009

Persuasive Essay

American society should recognize what immigrants bring to this country and they should give immigrants a chance to prove themselves as hard working people looking for a new start and better life for them and their families. The American society should appreciate all the hard work immigrants do for this country and they should recognize that they are here just to help the community and not to harm anyone. They should also see what immigrants have done to get here. All the harsh conditions in which they work and the low income that they get paid is not right.

The government considers some immigrants as criminals because they come to this country with no permission. They are not criminals, just people like anyone else. They come to this country escaping harsh poverty and even the high criminal rates in their country. Some also escape dictatorships or maybe even wars going on in their countries. I think those who are here are here to better themselves and not threaten anyone else, and should be allowed to stay and not be returned to the problems going on in their native country.

Immigrants play an important part in the American society. They are the hardiest working people who do the jobs that most Americans wouldn’t do. It’s either too disgusting or too intense, and many Americans would not last long at these jobs. The immigrants work jobs in which they get paid a very low income or the conditions of the working environment are very harsh or dangerous.
The types of jobs that immigrants do rarely is done by the American citizens are construction work in which they are always at risk of accidents and they work on the hottest days of the year. The immigrants also do poultry jobs like hanging dead chickens and other type of disgusting jobs which no one else will do. Another type of job they do which is also harsh is the landscaping jobs like cutting grass and laying down sod.
Those jobs are really harsh because in construction they face many risks like falling off the buildings, having something fall on them or even getting heat strokes. In poultry plants they risk being cut by the machines or getting stuck in one, and in landscaping they risk of something happening to them while on the lawnmower. Those are the risk that immigrants take to earn an honest living in the community.
American society should let the immigrants stay in the country, give them permission to work legally so they will stop risking their lives to earn an honest living. Immigrants have contributed a lot to this country over the years. This country was built of immigrants from all parts of the world, because this is the land where dreams would come true for most people trying to better themselves. Even though the society is trying to get rid of the immigrants in the country, they don’t recognize that without immigrants the country wouldn’t be here. At least try to give them a chance.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Unit Two -- Romanticism and Transcendentalism

ELAALRL2 The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of theme in a work of American literature and provides evidence from the work to support understanding.

1. Read it again. What is a theme? Would you know one when you saw it? Could you provide evidence to support what you say? Take a moment to post to your blog what this standard might mean, and while you are at it, what this thing called theme" is.

The theme is the main plot of a story. No the theme is summarised through the story. yes. the standard means that the student has found the theme and shows evidence of it to support his understanding.

2. What about the story did you find particularly Romantic? You may want to reread the section on Romanticism again to refresh your memory. Give at least two examples with direct evidence for each.

One part were they says how the mountains are different by the sky they are coated in the clouds which is reflecting on nature and escaping other things. it's romantic cause it shows how they looked at nature in a different way.

Another was that he was real helpful around the city he would never refused to help a person, but rather do others work than his at home. it shows Romanticism by always giving a helping hands no matter a situation

3.How does this poem illustrate all three of the main themes of Romanticism? Make sure you provide evidence for each claim you make.

1. In the beginning he talks about nature one of the romanticism themes. he talks bout death and if you are scare of it to go to outside and listen to the voice of mother nature.It also says that we came from the earth and we have to go back to it that is how nature is.

2.another was focus of imagination. that is when he thought that mother nature was talking to the writer.for imagination it also tells the reader to imagine all the dead people buried and it comforts people who are scared of dying.

3.the last one was promotion of common people which means that a regular person can achieve anything a king and other important people can. it showed that in the poem by saying that we all die the same way. It means that even a king will die and return back to the earth as any other common person.

4. Take a moment to review the Georgia Performance Standards we have studied so far:

As specifically as possible, please explain how you have addressed the above standards. You should have something to say about each.

ELAALRL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e., poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation.

I have addressed this standard by providing evidence of the work i have done and showing comprehension of it.

ELAALRL2 The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of theme in a work of American literature and provides evidence from the work to support understanding.

I addressed this standard in assignment 3 when i identified the 3 themes of Romanticism.

ELAALRL3 The student deepens understanding of literary works by relating them to their contemporary context or historical background, as well as to works from other time periods.

I this standard when i had to relate the song that Mr. Siegmund played to its background,other time periods and works of literature today.

5. When you are through reading, post a 1-2 paragraph response to each piece of writing to your blog. Be sure to concentrate more on what you thought of each piece of writing.

"Nature" by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Well for nature it was kinda hard to understand it but what i understood was that the writer was talking about all the special things about nature. The writing was alright and it was interesting but it was hard for me to understand it because i was not really attracted by it.
"Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson
I kinda like this story better because it was shorter. i also liked it because i understood it better and didn't have a hard time figuring out the answer for number 6. the themes in this story were put better into words and were easy to find
6. Next, write explain how each piece is a good example of Transcendentalism by identifying the central themes I described earlier in the post. Use what you read above, and prove that each piece is a good example with a paragraph supported with direct evidence (one paragraph each)
"Nature" by Ralph Waldo Emerson
One of the themes is that men adore that god spoke through peoples mind and their hard work, and it says this in the stories when the men is talking about the farms and how beautiful they are and the hard work the farmers put into them.It also talks about another theme in which it says that the human mind is one of the most powerful things in the world and that all the mind were connected through "oversoul". It talks about that by saying how the men imagined the stars and what would happened to them if they came in a thousand years.
"Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson
In this story it brings one of the themes very clear to the reader. It talks bout humans representing the hard work it says that a man is relieved and gay when he puts his heart into his work and he has done his best. Another of the themes represented in the story is that peoples mind is a powerful instrument to the transcendentalist. it explains that when it talks about how all the cultures are different and how humans do their best to make more secure places for each other.
7. How can you apply Transcendental philosophy to the man in this video? I'm sure you could easily spend a couple paragraphs telling me how. I also know it would be easy for you to back up whatever you say with direct evidence from the texts you have already read. If you are really into it, you might read a little of Henry David Thoreau's Walden. Just choose a couple sections you think you would like.
Well at first the man found a place where there would be no other humans around just him and nature. then he started building a house in that area before the winter came. He worked hard on his little cabin put all hit time and best into to it. when he was done building his cabin he really admire the hard work he put into to it and loved it. then before winter came he moved all his stuff to the cabin to live supposedly all the years of his life he had lefted. he lived there for about 30 years if i remember Right then he was too old to keep living on his own. he decided to move back to human society and his cabin still stands there and all the Beauty of nature around it.
Well from what i read the man put hard work into what he really wanted. From the story's i read it also goes back to "nature" were the man was looking at the fields and he saw all the hard work the farmers put into them so the would look beautiful from the poets eye and all the luscious crops growing in them. also another part of the story was how the man decided to isolate him self from all other and stay with his own thing which to me seems like it was sorta of a religion of his own that's how i interpreted that part. from the text that goes back to were "self-Reliance were the human was on his sorta own thing that Didi not seem to other religion.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Unit One -- Early American Literature

1.ELAALRL3 The student deepens understanding of literary works by relating them to their contemporary context or historical background, as well as to works from other time periods.

The standard to me means that i should relate What the works of literature are. Also what they can relate to in stuff today and in the past. As well as their meanings in the past and to get a pretty good understating of this things. Remove Formatting from selection

2.The Hunters

There were but two beneath the sky - The thing I came to kill, and I. I, under covert, quietly Watched him sense eternity From quivering brush to pointed nose My gun to shoulder level rose. And then I felt (I could not see)Far off a hunter watching me. I slowly put me rifle by, For there were two who had to die - The thing I wished to kill, and I.
3.I like the poem because is really good. Its Good cause it gets deep into his story bout hunters and how he is being hunted also. The best part was when he realised that 2 had to die him and what he was hunting that is my favorite part. I like it best of the others i read cause of the situation the guy is in.
4: Work Period:
The puritans were more hard core as in their beliefs to God on the other hand the native Americans were different they were not as strong in their religious beliefs.The puritans said "nothing between us an hell the but thin air the only thing keeping us up is the pleasure of god."A native American said "Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views and demand that they respect yours." The native Americans beliefs and practices form an integral n seamless part of their very being, while the puritans were really strong in their beliefs and if you didn't believe in god u were gonna go to the pits of hell n be punish for the rest of eternity. Their cultures may clash as a result of religious beliefs they will start arguing and end up in a fight.
5:What new vocabulary have you used in this unit already? What do these new terms mean to you?
The Rationalist: Are people that believe in god but think he made the world for them to use science to figure it out.
Deism: a religious belief that did not really take part in church or faith.
Age of reason: in the 18Th century when people id not regard them self on how things happened and that God was responsible.
Puritans: A group of people that believe God was responsible for everything and did not think otherwise.
Unconditional Election:is a believe of the puritans that God chooses who goes to heaven.
6:There is a couple differences between the Puritans and the Rationalist. The biggest one is that the rationalist believe in science and that they could use it to figure out the natural laws of the universe while the Puritans believe that God made the world and he controls everything and that God chooses only a few to save and they would not argue otherwise. mostly they would argue over those reasons because they both thought they were right. Today most of the laws we have are based on the Rationalist believes and some laws go under the puritans beliefs.
7. Read the excerpt from The Autobiography by Benjamin Franklin in the red American Literature book. Pay special attention to the efforts Franklin made to improve his life.
Give one example from The Autobiography of how Franklin is a good example of a rationalist. Make sure you explain why, and provide an example straight from the text.
Benjamin was a good example of a rationalist because he believed that God made the world so humans can use science to discover the laws of nature and use them to became more intelligent humans beings and that's What all the rationalist believed.
1. Temperance: Eat not to dullness and drink not to elevation.
2. Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. Avoid trifling conversation.
3. Order: Let all your things have their places. Let each part of your business have its time.
4. Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought. Perform without fail what you resolve.
5. Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself: i.e. Waste nothing.
6. Industry: Lose no time. Be always employed in something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions.
7. Sincerity: Use no hurtful deceit. Think innocently and justly; and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
8. Justice: Wrong none, by doing injuries or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
9. Moderation: Avoid extremes. Forebear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
10. Cleanliness: Tolerate no uncleanness in body, clothes or habitation.
11. Chastity: Rarely use venery but for health or offspring; Never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation.
12. Tranquility: Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
13. Humility: Imitate Jesus and Socrates.
8. If you were to make a list of thirteen virtues to improve upon in your life, what would they be? List them the way Franklin did. There are a couple more good examples here. Do you think you could reach moral perfection in this way? Explain how you feel. This should be a paragraph or two.
I would reword Franklin's and put them in order as which i think would be best for my virtues.
1.Sincerity would be right for me as first because I like to be honest.
2.Order as second because I like all thing to be in order.
3.Silence would be next as he means not to be a gossiper.
4.Humility because of being humble towards other not letting nothing effect you.
5.Tranquility to me as being calm in any way.
6.Temperance so you eat was needed not too much.
7.Resolution to solve anything that needs to be done.
8.Justice so everything can be made right no wrong doings.
9.Frugality to not waste anything that is not needed to be wasted.
10.Moderation to not take anything to an extreme.
11.Cleanliness because i like everything to be clean and not have a mess.
12.Industry to me is always work and keep a job.
13.Chastity to keep what needs to be right.
those would be the virtues i would go by from Franklin's i just put them in the order i would follow them and what they mean to me in a very resourceful way.
Yes if i was to follow those virtues in every aspect i would reach perfection, but it is not possible to do everything right. No one can be perfect except God so it would always be a challenge that could never be accomplish. If i tried to accomplish those virtues and tried to reach perfection i would waste my whole life because it would be something that can never be done and that will never be done by any human being.
9.Please take a moment to specifically address how the work you did in this unit addresses these standards. You should provide evidence from your own work to illustrate what you claim.
For the first standard it says that i should demonstrate comprehension by providing evidence of my work and i did that in assignment 7 when i posted the 13 virtues of Benjamin Franklin. Also for the 3rd standard ask to compare work to its background,relate it to other works from its time period, and to today. I did that when we listen to the song that mr. siegmund play i didi everythin the standard asked.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Georgia performance standards

ELAALRL1 The student demonstrates comprehension by identifying evidence (i.e., examples of diction, imagery, point of view, figurative language, symbolism, plot events and main ideas) in a variety of texts representative of different genres (i.e., poetry, prose [short story, novel, essay, editorial, biography], and drama) and using this evidence as the basis for interpretation.

To me the standard means tht the student understands wat the teacher is teaching him. Also tht he can give evidence to wat he is learning like a point of view of as tory or the plot/meaning of it or something.He also identifys the genres of the story and using the evidence to understand wat it means